Refocus Specialist Resume Sample

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Refocus Specialist Resume Sample (Full Text Version)

Michaele McNamara

Address: Logan, UT, USA
Date of birth: 1991-11-11
Email address:
Phone number: 999-999-9999


Project Management - 100%
Leadership - 100%
Detailed Planner and Organizer - 100%
Computer, Excel, Word and Internet Use - 85%
Communicaiton and Problem Solving - 90%


05/2017, Family, Consumer and Human Development, Utah State University, Logan
  • Earned a Bachelor of Science degree with a dual emphasis in Child Development and Family and Community Services, along with a minor in Sociology.

Work experience

08/2016 - 05/2017, Site Supervisor, Utah State University, Logan
  • Promoted to Site Supervisor after joining Spring Creek Middle School's After School Program
  • Organized and led a team of employees to tailor the program to meet the needs of youth and school
  • Initiated and managed multiple projects with youth participants
  • Monitored staff performance and progress throughout tenure
08/2010 - 05/2015, Site Manager, Logan School District, After School Club, Logan
  • Promoted to Site Manager within one year of joining the program.
  • Collaborated with team members to schedule and plan monthly activities, field trips, guest speakers, service projects, and other events for 120+ students.
  • Maintained daily records and ensured proper snack distribution daily.
  • Acted as a liaison between staff, school district requirements, and school needs.
  • Managed challenging children and situations, as well as problem-solving within the program.
05/2013 - 08/2015, Program Director, Boy Scouts of America, Logan
  • Spearheaded the handicraft area at Scout Camps, overseeing activities such as leather work, wood carving, and basket weaving.
  • Assisted in managing kitchen operations to meet the cooking needs of campers.
  • Promoted to Program Director, responsible for supervising all programs and staff at the camp.
  • Collaborated with management team to ensure adequate supplies and effectively handle program-related issues.


03/2013 - present, Volunteer, USU Best Buddies, Logan
  • Volunteered over 100 hours in the past year, with a significant portion dedicated to assisting USU's Best Buddies program
  • Organized and facilitated various activities and events for disabled individuals in the community, including Fall Ball, Halloween Trunk or Treat, and carnivals
05/2016 - 08/2016, Youth Mentor, Quality Youth Services, Logan, USA
  • Served as a mentor for troubled youth in temporary foster care, facilitating weekly schedule creation, job search, and volunteer opportunities.
  • Provided guidance and support to empower youth in navigating challenging circumstances.
Position Overview:

Refocus Specialist

A Refocus Specialist is a new, quite niche position open to individuals who want to help children and students access their full potential. These school professionals supervise students in and out of the classroom, develop lesson plans, and even delivering in-person instruction to individuals and groups of students. To make sure they work within a subject’s curriculum, frequent collaboration with teachers and other staff, as well as responding to inquiries from parents, are crucial routine tasks that they perform. Refocus Specialists usually require some formal background in education, communication, or psychology so that they have an adequate skill set to identify a student’s needs to progress.

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

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